Civil Rights and Liberties
SB16-150: Marriages by Individuals in Civil Unions Sponsors: Sen. Steadman and Rep. Esgar Status: Passed Senate 4/29/2016, Passed House 5/10/2016, Signed by the Governor 6/8/2016
Concerning marriages by individuals who are parties to a civil union, and, in connection therewith, prohibiting marriages in circumstances in which one of the parties is already in a civil union with another individual, addressing the legal effect of parties to a civil union marrying each other, clarifying the dissolution process when parties to a civil union marry, and amending the bigamy statute to include parties to a civil union.
HB19-1039: Identity Documents for Transgender Persons Sponsors: Rep. Esgar and Sen. Moreno Status: Passed House on 2/15/2019, Passed Senate on 4/17/2019, Signed by the Governor 5/31/2019
Concerning identity documents for transgender persons, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
SB19-235: Automatic Voter Registration Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, K. Mullica, and Sens. J. Danielson, S. Fenberg Status: Passed Senate 4/24/2019, Passed House 5/2/2019, Signed by the Governor 5/29/2019
Concerning the transfer of electronic records by voter registration agencies in order to register voters, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
SB21-199: Removing Barriers to Certain Public Opportunities Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, S. Gonzales-Gutierrez, and Sens. S. Jaquez Lewis, F. Winter Status: Passed Senate 5/19/2021, Passed House 6/7/2021, Signed by the Governor 6/25/2021
Concerning measures to remove barriers to certain public opportunities, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
SB21-169: Restrict Insurers’ Use of External Consumer Data Sponsors: Sens. J. Buckner, N. Ricks, and Rep. D. Esgar Status: Passed Senate 5/13/2021, Passed House 6/7/2021, Signed by the Governor 7/6/2021
Concerning protecting consumers from unfair discrimination in insurance practices.
HB21-1212: Diversity Of Governor’s Appointments to Boards Sponsors: Reps. M. Soper, D. Esgar, and Sens. D. Coram, R. Fields Status: Passed House 4/9/2021, Passed Senate 5/3/2021, Signed by the Governor 5/24/2021
Concerning the diversity of members appointed by the governor to boards authorized by the general assembly.
HB21-1108: Gender Identity Expression Anti-Discrimination Sponsors: Rep. D. Esgar and Sen. D. Moreno Status: Passed House 4/1/2021, Passed Senate 4/27/2021, Signed by the Governor 5/20/2021
Concerning updates to prohibitions against gender-based discrimination to clarify the individuals who are included in a protected class.
HB22-1279: Reproductive Health Equity Act Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, M. Froelich and Sen. J. Gonzales, Status: Signed by the Governor 4/04/2022
Concerning the codification of a person's fundamental right to make reproductive health-care decisions free from government interference.
HB22-1153: Marlo’s Law Sponsors: Rep. D. Esgar, K. Tipper, and Sens. J. Bridges, D. Moreno Status: Signed by the Governor 5/23/2022
Concerning affirming parentage by adoption for a person who did not give birth when the child is conceived as a result of assisted reproduction.
SB22-184: Compensation Requirements For Members Of The General Assembly Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, K. Tipper and Sens. S. Fenberg, B. Petterson Status: Signed by the Governor 6/08/2022
Concerning authority for a member of the general assembly to be absent during the legislative session without forfeiting compensation.
HB22-1413: Remote Testimony Before Legislative Committees Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, H. McKean and Sens. S. Fenberg, S. Holbert Status: Signed by the Governor 6/07/2022
Concerning authority for the executive committee of the legislative council to allow remote testimony before legislative committees, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing an appropriation.