Other bills
HB17-1356: Treat Economic Development Income Tax Credits Differently Sponsors: Speaker Duran and Rep. Esgar Status: passed House 5/1/17, passed Senate 5/10/17, Signed by the Governor 5/24/17
Concerning the temporary authority of the Colorado economic development commission to allow certain businesses to treat specific existing income tax credits differently.
SB18-243: Retail Sales Alcohol Beverages Sponsors: Sens. Holbert, Guzman and Reps. Esgar, McKean Status: Passed Senate on 5/1/2018, Passed House 5/8/2018, Signed by the Governor 6/4/2018
Concerning the retail sale of alcohol beverages, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
SCR20-001: Repeal Property Tax Assessment Rates Sponsors: Sens. J. Tate, C. Hansen, and Reps. D. Esgar, M. Soper Status: Passed Senate 6/9/2020, Passed House 6/12/2020, Signed by the Speaker of the House 6/23/2020, Signed by the President of the Senate 6/23/2020
Submitting to the registered electors of the state of Colorado an amendment to the Colorado constitution to repeal the requirement that the general assembly periodically change the residential assessment rate in order to maintain the statewide proportion of residential property as compared to all other taxable property valued for property tax purposes and repeal the nonresidential property tax assessment rate of twenty-nine percent.
SB20-090: Limit Liability For Food Donations to Nonprofits Sponsors: Sen. F. Winter and Reps. D. Esgar, B. Titone Status: Passed Senate 2/4/2020, Passed House 6/3/2020, Signed by the Governor 6/26/2020
Concerning donations of food to nonprofit organizations for distribution to needy individuals.
HB20-1422: Food Pantry Assistance Grant Program Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, L. Cutter, and Sens. R. Zenzinger, T. Story Status: Passed House 6/11/2020, Passed Senate 6/12/2020, Signed by the Governor 6/22/2020
Concerning the creation of the food pantry assistance grant program, and, in connection therewith, authorizing an allocation of money the state receives from the federal coronavirus relief fund.
HB20-1392: Council And Parking Program For Persons With Disability Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, K. Ransom, and Sen. R. Zenzinger Status: Passed House 6/3/2020, Passed Senate 6/5/2020, Signed by the Governor 6/26/2020
Concerning the repeal of certain provisions related to persons with a disability, and, in connection therewith, reducing an appropriation.
HB20-1116: Procurement Technical Assistance Program Extension Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, T. Sullivan, and Sens. N. Todd, B. Gardner Status: Passed House 3/2/2020, Passed Senate 6/5/2020, Signed by the Governor 6/29/2020
Concerning an extension of the procurement technical assistance center program.
SB20-030: Consumer Protections for Utility Customers Sponsors: Sens. L. Garcia, R. Rodriguez, and Rep. D. Esgar Status: Passed Senate 2/28/2020, Passed House 6/3/2020, Signed by the Governor 6/29/2020
Concerning increased consumer protections for customers of investor-owned utilities, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
HB21-1001: Remote Participation In Party Committee Meetings Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, H. McKean, and Sens. S. Fenberg, C. Holbert Status: Passed House 1/14/2021, Passed Senate 1/15/2021, Signed by the Governor 1/20/2021
Concerning authorization for remote participation in political party committee meetings.
HB22-1022: Modify Administration Of Colorado State Fair Sponsors: Reps. D. Roberts, D. Esgar, and Sens. R. Woodward, N. Hinrichson Status: Passed House 3/1/2022, Passed Senate 3/23/2022, Signed by the Governor 4/12/2022
Concerning modifications to the administration of the Colorado state fair and industrial exposition.
HB22-1286: Fiscal Year 2022-23 Legislative Appropriation Bill Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, A. Garnett, and Sens. D. Moreno, S. Fenberg Status: Passed House 3/17/2022, Passed Senate 4/1/2022, Signed by the Governor 4/12/2022
Concerning the payment of the expenses of the legislative department.